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Act 99: We Both Move to Defer the Trial

On August 12, 2002, something unprecedented happened: Both sides in this lawsuit agreed on something! (Well, we've actually had agreements before, but Taubman has always violated them – but this one is simple and straightforward enough so that perhaps they'll honor their agreement this time.) As you'll see from the motion below, we both agreed that, in light of the fact that Judge Komives ordered Taubman to produce more discovery material, the trial should be postponed until March, 2003. (Note that this graphic actually represents pieces of two pages that I've "pasted" together, and that I've omitted the headings and the signature blocks.)

Note: Well, wouldn't you know it: even though we and Taubman agreed that we wanted to postpone the trial until March, the judge disagreed, and it's his opinion that counts. As far as I know, the judge did not formally reply to the motion; instead, his clerk contacted my attorney and said that the judge wanted to hold a scheduling conference in December with the intent of holding the trial in January or February.

Next: Taubman's Supplemental Witness List

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